(226) 377-3114

Case Study: Auction Mongers

About Auction Mongers

Auction Mongers is a company located in the GTA in southwestern Ontario. They purchase bulk lots from other retailers and then catalogue and resell the items at auction.


Auction Mongers sells a ton of items but every item is unique. Most inventory software does not account for this and instead assumes you will sell multiple of the same items. They needed a way to catalog all of their products quickly and easily. 


I worked with Auction Mongers to develop software that could be used to catalog all of their items quickly and easily. It allows for image uploading and works on both mobile and desktop.

Technology Used

  • Ionic Framework (HTML + CSS + Javascript + Angular JS)
  • Custom Wordpress Plugin (HTML + CSS + Javascript + PHP)


I continue to work with Auction Mongers to add more features into this application. In the future they plan to licence the software to other auction houses.

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